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Cleaner Water for a Cleaner Tomorrow

At MANN+HUMMEL we believe that access to clean water is a human right, and we strive to develop innovative membrane, filtration, and digital solutions that can help to solve the global water challenges.

Water scarcity is an urgency: 97.5% of the world’s water is saltwater, leaving only 2.5% as freshwater, of which only 1.2% is usable for life. In addition,

  • 2.3 billion people live in water-stressed countries.
  • 90% of natural disasters are weather-related, including floods and droughts.
  • 80% of wastewaters flows back into the ecosystem without being treated or reused.

This is why it is vital to manage water resources in a responsible way. Water & Membrane Solutions is the MANN+HUMMEL division that is responsible for the careful and sustainable use of this vital resource.

Our Solutions

Our membrane products are used in myriad markets and applications around the world - and there is no "one fits all" solutions. Find out how we can meet your specific water and fluid management needs.

wastewater plant

Wastewater Solutions

Cutting-edge membrane technology to meet capacity demand, increase effluent quality, and safeguard the environment. 


Water Solutions

Innovative products to solve all water challenges, from home water to seawater desalination.


Process Solutions

Customised solutions for pharma, chemical, food&beverage, and many other industries.

test tubes

Life Science Solutions

High-performing membranes that ensure highest process safety, hygiene, and quality. 

life science

Green Energy Solutions

Fluor-free membranes to align RFB technology with sustainability goals, for greener energy storage.​

process solutions


Discover our solutions to address the major water-related challenges and trends of today.

Our Technologies

Our solutions cover the entire span of filtration technologies, from prefiltration to reverse osmosis.


Preliminary filtration process to enhance the efficiency and lifespan of subsequent filtration stages.

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MBR - Membrane Bioreactors

Biological treatment and membrane filtration for wastewater treatment.

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MF - Microfiltration

Fine porous membrane filtration to separate particles and microorganisms.

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UF - Ultrafiltration

Semi-permeable membranes to improve water quality and facilitate purification in industrial processes.

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NF - Nanofiltration

Membrane filtration process that separates ions and small molecules for water treatment and purification.

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RO - Reverse Osmosis

Water purification process to remove impurities, contaminants, and ions, providing clean drinking water.

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Ion Exchange

Purification process based on ions swapping between a solid resin and a solution, used for water softening and purification.

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Product Highlights

MANN+HUMMEL's mission is to separate the useful from the harmful.

To reach our goal, we are constantly developing innovative products that can meet present and future environmental challenges. Want to know more about our products? Start from here.